Business immigration

There are various business immigration programs offered by the Government of Canada. As the offerings do change, you may access the most recently updated programs by clicking here.
Below you will find a summary of the current offerings.

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Provincial Nominee program

If you have 3 years of experience running your own business or 4 years as a senior manager, have a net worth of $600,000 CAD and plan on investing at least $200,000 you can use the BC entrepreneur program. You will enter a pool of competitive applicants and are selected based on an evaluation metric. If you succeed you have 20 months to set up your business, including generating at least 1 permanent full time job for a Canadian or permanent resident. Below you will find information on B.C.’s Provincial Nominee Program, for other provinces and territories in Canada, click here.

  • B.C. PNP (British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program)

    • Requires

      • Experience: 3 years of owner-manager experience or 4 years of senior manager experience. Or a combination of at least 1 year of owner-manager and at least 2 years of senior manager.

      • Wealth: At least $600,000 in net worth

      • Education: Either post-secondary education or 3 years of managing  a business you have 100% ownership of in the last 5 years

      • Business proposal: Submit a proposal to open a new business or expand an existing one.

      • Business must create 1 permanent full time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and must invest at least $200,000

      • Business ownership: Must own at least 33% of the BC business OR $1 million dollar equity investment

      • Business type: See list of banned businesses.

    • Scoring: Business plan and individual will be evaluated on a 200 point system. Business plan must score at least 32/80 points. Individual will also attend an interview.

    • Cost: $300 registration fee, $3,500 application fee.

    • Time: Assessment complete within 4 months.

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start-up visa

If you do not meet the wealth or experience requirements but have a business idea, you may use the Federal start up visa program. You and up to 4 other business partners, each owning at least 10% of the business, must convince an approved Canadian organization to support your migration with a letter. There are three types of organizations: Venture Capital, Angel Investors and Accelerators. You must receive either a $200,000 venture capital investment OR a $75,000 angel investment OR be accepted to an accelerator. You must also have enough assets to support yourself in Canada, meet the language requirements and commit to incorporating in and maintaining an “essential aspect of the business” in Canada.


    • Up to 5 founders and a business idea

    • Each applicant must own at least 10% of the company

    • “An essential part of the business must happen in Canada”

    • Business is incorporated in Canada

    • Approved Canadian organization provides letter of support:

        • If organization is a VC, it must make a $200,000 investment into the company

        • If organization is an angel investor, it must make a $75,000 investment

        • If organization is an accelerator, it must accept the startup into the program

    • Enough money to support yourself in Canada while working on a temporary work visa - this money cannot come from funds raised from Canadian organizations

    • Must meet minimum language proficiency in one of the two official languages

    • Cost: From $1540

    • Time: 12-16 months

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Self-employed person is defined as someone who:

  • has at least two years of relevant experience,

  • intends and is able to be self-employed in Canada, and

  • can contribute to Canada’s economy in one of the required areas.

If you have experience in cultural events - including technical fields like graphic design, interior design and film industry support employees - and have two years of experience in this field, either as self employed or through participation in “world class events” you have access to the self-employed immigrant status.

Self-employed cultural or athletic migrant. Must work in an athletic related or cultural related field.

For cultural activities:

  1. Two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in cultural activities, or

  2. Two one-year periods of experience in participation at a world class level in cultural activities, or

  3. A combination of a one-year period of experience described in A above, and a one-year period of experience described in B above.

For athletics:

  1. Two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in athletics, or

  2. Two one-year periods of experience in participation at a world class level in athletics, or

  3. A combination of a one-year period of experience described in 1 above, and a one-year period of experience described in 2 above, and

Specified economic activities for a self-employed person, means:

  • cultural activities,

  • athletics, or

  • buying and managing a farm.

See list of specific employment roles, including technical roles like graphic designers.

Medical, Security and other Requirements
You must also show that you have enough money to support yourself after you enter into Canada. You must also have a medical exam and obtain police certificates.

Selection Criteria

Self employed person are selected on the following criteria:

  • experience,

  • education,

  • age,

  • language abilities, and

  • adaptability.

Scoring System:

  • 25 points for education - maximum points for PhD.

  • 35 points for experience - maximum points for 5 years of experience

  • 10 points for age - maximum points for being 21-49

  • 24 points - maximum points for fluency in official language

  • 6 points - adaptability of dependents

  • Cost: From $1540

  • Time: Up to 24 months to process


working-holiday visa

Working Holiday Visa. If you are Swedish and between the ages of 18 and 30, you may be able to take advantage of the working holiday visa.

This working holiday visa provides an opportunity to those qualify to experience living and working in Canada. Under this visa, one is able to establish and work in the business created. In British Columbia, there is no residency requirements for incorporating a business, so this is an option for those who qualify and wish to setup a business while on the working holiday visa to then continue to have ownership in the business from Sweden when the visa expires.

To qualify, you must be a Swedish citizen (passport holder).

  • Have a valid passport for the duration of the stay in Canada (the work permit issued will not be longer than the validity of the passport).

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30 at the time of application.

  • Have the equivalent of at least $2,500 CAD on landing.

  • Obtain health insurance for the full duration of the Working Holiday Visa in Canada.

  • Be admissible to Canada, click ‘Learn More’ below for more.

  • Have in place a round-trip ticket or proven sufficient funds to purchase a departure ticket.


Immigration First, Business later.

If you don't qualify for the above but have worked in Canada you can immigrate to Canada and then open your business when you qualify. If you have one year of full time Canadian professional work experience (experience in management, skilled trade or a professional job) you can apply under the Canadian Experience program. If you do not but have an employment offer for full time professional or skilled trade work you can apply under the Federal Skilled Work program.